Frames and photo albums containing pictures from Florida Hospital School of Nursing

Digital Archives

The Digital Archives feature materials from the history of AdventHealth University, as well as other collections related the university, its mission, and health care.

Digital Archives Sections

The Digital Archives are divided into four main collections.

4 items. To interact with these items, press Control-Option-Shift-Right Arrow
  • Sanitarium Collection

    The Sanitarium Collection contains photographs and documents directly related to the Sanitarium campus and date between 1913 and 1991.  The collection is named after the original medical facility, Florida Sanitarium and Hospital, that stood on the location of the current day AdventHealth Orlando. The Florida Sanitarium and Hospital opened in 1908, and by 1913 a nursing program was in operation.  During the years leading up to 1991, numerous hospital-based medical education programs functioned to train health care professionals in whole or in part, as some students visited from other Adventist educational institutions to solely complete clinicals.

  • FHCHS Collection

    The FHCHS Collection contains photographs and documents that date between 1992 and 2012 and are directly related to the university.  The collection is named after the institution, Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences, that was created to consolidate health sciences programs that resided in Florida Hospital Orlando.

  • ADU Collection

    The ADU Collection contains photographs and documents that date between 2012 and 2018 and are directly related to the university.  The collection is named after the institution, which in 2012 was renamed Adventist University of Health Sciences to better reflect the growth in programs and reach of the university.

  • AHU Collection

    The AHU Collection contains photographs and documents that date from 2019 and are directly related to the university.  The collection bears the current name of the university, which was renamed AdventhHealth University to highlight it as a part of the AdventHealth system.

Physical Archives

The Archives in the R.A. Williams Library include an interesting mix of resources.  These resources span not only the life of FHCHS/ADU/AHU (1992 to the present), but include photos, papers and books that date back to the time of the first nursing program on this property, linked with Florida Sanitarium, in the early 1900’s.  Resources have been collected, but not necessarily organized.  The Archives is a work in progress. Visit the Archives on the second floor of the General Education Building on the AdventHealth University Orlando Campus.

3 items. To interact with these items, press Control-Option-Shift-Right Arrow

    Resources for this era include:

    • Academic Bulletins
    • Handbooks
    • Yearbooks
    • Architectural renderings of the buildings
    • Photos 2000 – 2009

    Assorted FLASH and Southern Memories Yearbooks dating from the 1940’s – 1980’s
    Nursing scrapbooks for the 1980’s

  • Sanitarium Collection

    This collection includes books used at the Florida Sanitarium nurse training program.  They date from the 1870’s to the 1950’s and there are 123 books in total. These books fall into the following subject areas: nursing, cooking, dietary guidelines, health, medical and religious material.